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Old 03-06-2016, 12:50 AM   #19
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 122
Re: Boosting Your Immune System - share your ideas

I take Astragalus but combined with Glossy Privet. Glossy Privet is the common name for Ligustrum. These are in addition to other agents known to fight cancer. I decided to do research on supplements/herbs that may have some anti cancer properties. After researching them, these are the ones that I chose to add to my repertoire of supplements. I chose them NOT for their immune system building ability but instead for their anticancer properties:

Glossy Privet
flax seed oil
grapeseed extract
primrose oil
Curcumin (Tumeric extract)
Green tea extract
cranberry extract
SDG lignan (flaxseed lignans)
Trans resveratrol

Where possible I take the dosages that were used in the original clinical trials which is usually more than what is stated on the bottles.

I also take the following herbs, but these are for lowering of glucose: (The Berberine seems to be the most effective for me)

White Kidney Bean

I also take the following prescriptions for other reasons:
Atorvastatin (high cholesterol)
cyclobenzaprine (muscle pain)
levothyroxine (low thyroid)
combipatch (was for hormone replacement)

These are the incidentals:

Vit D,
coenzyme Q,
plant phytosterols.

I also consume the following EVERY day because some research indicates these two may help fight cancer:

2 tablespoons flaxseed
1 oz pecans (and I HATE pecans)
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