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Old 01-20-2016, 10:22 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 122
Re: Boosting Your Immune System - share your ideas

While I am not a huge fan of supplements, I figure in the current situation it can't hurt! I have added the following supplements to my daily routine while I wait for more testing:

Flax Seed Lignans: 125 mg Lignan daily
curcumin: 1000 mg daily
plant phytosterols: 1500 mg daily
CoQ10: 75 mg daily
Vit D: 3000 daily
fish oil: 1200 mg daily
flax seed oil: 1300 mg daily
Grape seed extract: 800 mg daily

The Flax Seed lignans, curcumin, and grape seed extract have some research supporting their cancer fighting properties...although the research is limited and for the most part small studies.

Plant phytosterols, fish oil and flax seed oil have less research supporting their role in cancer, but I figure it can't hurt and with cardiovascular disease in my family (familial hypercholesterolemia) these are good supplements to help with heart health even if the research is spotty

Vit D and CoQ10 are thought to have some beneficial effect but I haven't seen any really convincing research done. Still, can't hurt.

I say these can't hurt because I am not on chemotherapy which could interfere with some of these agents. I don't know which might cause problems with chemo so use carefully and under the guidance of a physician.
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