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Old 11-25-2014, 10:41 AM   #1
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Posts: 358
Re: My wife has no appettite

Poor appetite can be difficult to manage and is frustrating for both the patient and the caregiver. Here are some tips that may help. Also, Megace or Marinol appetite stimulants may be a good idea to discuss with her oncologist. Sometime, Remeron may also be appropriate to help stimulate appetite. These drugs can take up to 4 weeks to start working so don't quit them thinking they aren't working.

Cool foods are often better tolerated because their is not as much odor.
Try cool canned fruit, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, meat salads like chicken, tuna or egg for extra protein
If her mouth is not sore then tart or citrusy or vinegary foods may taste appealing. Sometimes if the taste is a little off these strong flavors help to even things back out. I've actually had patient have success with eating a dill hamburger slice pickle before a meal to help perk up the taste buds. (sounds weird but sometimes weird works!!!)
Smoothies or homemade milkshakes using peanutbutter, powdered milk (for protein), fruit, etc may be well tolerated.

Best wishes,

Registered Dietitian
Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition
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