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Old 10-26-2014, 10:56 PM   #7
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Re: rolepaul I know this is not for the here and now

So happy to hear Nina is doing well, may that continue.
Have you contacted Komen? They should help. I don't think many of us understand what it is they exactly do. I visited them and went to a conference when I lived in LA many years ago and I still haven't a clue about them but we know their name.
Maybe call the president of the airline and get his secretary, they have a lot of influence on their bosses and explain to her (or him) your situation. Maybe you'll get a sympathetic ear and then some help. If you offer to go standby and pay a low or free fare, why wouldn't they help? They could just award you a huge amount of miles to cover some flights. surely by now you must have some free mileage trips - I certainly hope so.
Lani, the virus idea sounds good. I'm reading" the immortal life of Henrietta Lacks" about the woman whose cancer cells are immortal and have been used to find polio vaccine and hundreds of drugs. fascinating story.
Health and happiness and damn it, it's time for a cure!
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