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Old 08-13-2014, 08:19 PM   #27
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Posts: 118
Re: news from ASCO-- some joyous, some a downer--may set things back a bit

it is a constant struggle to get new medications so the cancer patient can keep going. I d not think the expense is wasted as these patients are in LIFE"S clinical trials, as they try new medications and try to get them to work. My daughter has tried most of the approved medications and is now looking at afatinib and neratinib as these two were what the genomic testing by Foundation One suggested might work for her.
I do not have proof as it happened so long ago but believe all the weird mutations they found on my daughter's testing were caused by DES. I was treated to prevent miscarriage while pregnant with my daughter.
I wish all here the best and hope something works for each for more quality time.
Daughter has been stable except for a large subclavicle cluster of nodes that the chemo was not controlling so she has had a series of cyber knife tx to try to eradicate the mass.
Luck to all,
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