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Old 08-05-2014, 07:46 AM   #21
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 393
Re: news from ASCO-- some joyous, some a downer--may set things back a bit

your priority right now is your wife . i admire your tenaciousness. we completely understand. we have done the same. taken breaks from activism to deal w/ tx., s/e. i forget whether you had tried avastin in past - a friend of our with very aggressive her2 got many months of stability w/ brain mets out of it. she tried tykerb but couldn't tolerate a full dose due to s/e. maybe avastin in conjunction w/ herc /perj while exploring other options ?
i really was making a general point about the Broken System , not addressing you personally. each does what they can , when they can, privately or publically. i go public as i feel it will push change the fastest. i am comfortable with my stands - and many share my opinions. Some i borrow from , for ex. : Farber docs have publically said that the pace of research bringing new drugs out noticeably picked up after 2005 or so , but the System is not keeping up . i think it's pathetic that this fda has sat on partial approval of perjeta since june, 2012. many of these drugs stuck in the system are derivatives of already established drugs - anti-bodies like herceptin, various inhibitors, etc. , and could save lives now.
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