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Old 08-03-2014, 09:08 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 113
Re: Does your port hurt - have to wear bra 24/7?

I've had my port for 8 weeks. It's not uncomfortable during the day, but I find it is a bit when trying to sleep on that side (left) or on my stomach. It also itches sometimes lately. Perhaps more healing going on around incision etc. I can totally see that it would possibly hurt if a breast was pulling on it. I'm a 34C so that isn't an issue I can comment on knowledgeably. Sometimes I also get a funny sensation with the tubing leading off of it comes in contact with a nerve. Just a split second little zap and then done. Maybe you could chat with your oncologist about it just to double check that all is well. From what I've read, lots of people have love/hate relationships with the port. I'm glad that I have mine, but also would prefer not to Good luck - I hope you get some relief and figure out something that works for you.
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