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Old 05-24-2014, 01:58 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: South Florida
Posts: 97
Re: Just Starting Our Fight, Help.

Freaked out~ I have to admit, after the initial shock of the big "C" word, loosing my hair was the most traumatic thing to consider. Prior to chemo, I went with my mom and daughter (she was 12) to pick out a wig. I bought the 2 that didn't make me daughter helped me pick them out, so it wasn't a shock when I had to use them. Also went and cut/dyed my hair to get it close to the wigs. I just wear a bandanna at home and no one seems to mind. The wig is for work and going out. I have found a place that said they can use your hair to make a partial wig (to wear under hats) and I have just recently ordered another wig to wear as a ponytail under a hat. I can't vouch for their work since it hasn't arrived yet, but prior to your wife cutting her hair, you might want to check it out : Oh...also, when the hair started to fall out (exactly 2 weeks after 1st chemo), the crying started again, but I soon felt all cried out and decided I needed a good laugh - so my daughter and I went to the backyard with a pair of scissors (son had the camera) and I let her go to was hysterical - she was laughing so hard cutting my really was a turning point for me to realize that everything will be OK!

When she is ready, have your wife check out this site. It has been amazing and the women here are so supportive! I have my last big chemo on Tuesday (the time really does fly by!) and every time has been different. Nothing too terrible....haven't even missed a day of work yet! Naps have been great, as well as having food ready in the freezer, for those days that cooking was not high on the priority list. I would also be honest with your girls - we told our kids right off the bat (they were 12 & 15) and they have been wonderful. I also made it a point to never cry in front of them - no need to put them through that. And really, all I needed was time to cry and a big supportive hug from hubby and it made me feel need to try to "fix" anything -just listen!
1/17/14 Day after 44th b-day, Got dx of 2 malignancies Rt breast; ER/PgR- HER2+
1/21/14 Biopsy of spot on left; normal
1/28/14 PET scan - CLEAR!
1/29/14 BRCA normal!
1/31/14 Sentinel node biopsy
2/5/14 Nodes are CLEAR! Stage I/IIa, N0, M0
2/13/14 Start Chemo, 6 rounds for 18 weeks prior to surgery
2/28/14 Port placed
3/6/14 Chemo Round 2
3/27/14 Chemo Round 3 (halfway done!)
4/11/14 u/s shows 2cm tumor about 2x5mm now!
4/17/14 Chemo Round 4
5/8/14 Chemo Round 5 and Daughter's Birthday :)
5/27/14 Last Chemo Party - Round 6
6/17 14 Herceptin only until next Feb.
6/20/14 BMX/Immediate reconstruction DONE
6/30/14 Path report back...NED!
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