Thread: Budwig Diet?
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Old 02-02-2014, 04:01 PM   #14
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Re: Budwig Diet?


I have posted on Budwig before but do not recall if it was here or on another board.

Budwig recommended flax oil, quark, and sunshine, which each individually contain elements that might logically impact on cancer risk.

We know much more about how the body works than was known in the 1950s. Her explanations are more concept than fact but prescient; apparently Dr Budwig was very highly regarded by her patients.

There is biology that underlies elements of her diet that might explain why they might reduce the risk of occurrence and or recurrence of cancer and other conditions at least in some people . . .

Omega 3 (flax is rich in plant based Omega 3)

Flax oils are rich in omegas 3s, and as discussed on this thread there are a host of reasons why improving the Omega 3:6 balance may reduce the risk of occurrence and recurrence. There are further reasons which have not as yet made in into the thread why plant based Omega 3 could affect changes that may be beneficial, and particularly so given our Omega 3:6 dietary imbalances. Polyunsaturated fats have way more influence on the way the body functions than is generally recognized.

Sunshine exposure = increased vitamin D

Sunshine exposure in the summer months provides vitamin D. As set out in the vitamin D thread there is increasing evidence that higher blood levels of vitamin D are protective against a number of diseases including cancer. This means getting the sort of levels that are seen in beach guards, not those found in office workers taking 400 iu a day as a supplement. (See Holick video and other information.)


Dairy products are one of the more significant sources of iodine; if quark follows the general trend in quantity it may have in relative terms significantly increased iodine intake. Low iodine is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and thyroid malfunction.

Proteins - cysteine may improve thyroid and antioxidant function.

According to her book Quark is rich in the amino acid cysteine, which Dr Budwig suggests may form compounds with the polyunsaturated fat in flax oil so making it more digestible. I need to think about and read up on fat protein interactions.

It is known that cysteine is essential to a crucial internally produced antioxidant family called glutathione, which have many essential roles in all cells including in particular in thyroid function.

It is suggested that digestive malabsorption can reduce the uptake of cysteine. It can also be made in the body but requires another amino acid to be present in the diet . . . so one can see why at least some people may be low in cysteine.

General points

I need to reread Dr Budwig's book. I do not know what else figures in her diet; maybe nuts for minerals would make sense - it is not entirely clear what form the flax oil seed was taken in - flax seeds like other nuts / whole grains are a source of some and varying minerals including importantly in the case of flax selenium, which is essential to glutathione production and thyroid function . . .

The above at least suggests there is clear biological rational behind what Dr Budwig was doing; unfortunately I have not managed to find any reference to any papers documenting her work which is a shame, and the body is enormously complex dependent on a host of nutrients etc. Simple nonpatentable solutions have difficulty in attracting research funding . . . so we often never get to find out if they work when measured on a double blind basis.

There is an anecdotal case I posted that a man with lung cancer reversed tumors by seriously changing his Omega 3:6 ratio intake. He was getting on in years and his doctors reluctantly consented to his proposal on the basis they followed him with regular scans. The result is intriguing, but absent a large trial it is not possible to draw further conclusions.

I know nothing of the Budwig Centre or any treatments they prescribe so cannot comment on them, beyond the observations above on elements of the original Dr Budwig's treatments as mentioned in her book. . .

Last edited by R.B.; 02-02-2014 at 04:14 PM..
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