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Old 11-23-2013, 11:30 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Central Florida
Posts: 6
Too old for Chemo

It started as a small spot on my back, basil cell, which led to HER2 positive. The lumpectomy indicated the tumor to be very small (1.5x1 cm) and no trace of cancer in the 13 lymph nodes removed. I felt very lucky. The radiation doctor said I had a 10 year 96% survival with chemo and 93% with radiation. At 74 years old, it was a no brainer. Then I saw the chemo doctor. He said my cancer was very aggressive and I should have chemo. He wanted a Oncotype DX Breast test, but my insurance said it had to be HER2 negative before they would cover it. I see him Monday. All of the discussions have been about chemo. Is there anyone who has suggestions for me? I would like radiation with Herceptin shots.
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