Thread: Can't sleep!
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Old 11-04-2013, 08:00 AM   #2
Debbie L.
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Re: Can't sleep!

Hi LMB. Glad your 2nd chemo went better but I hear you about the sleep issue. It was the same for me -- suddenly wide awake, in a way totally different from the drowsy slightly-awake, roll-over-and-back-to-sleep "usual" awakenings. I think it was a mix of hormone changes (often hot flashes followed the awakening) and frantic brain. Like you, I do poorly with anything sedating -- it lingers into the next day and I hate feeling so slow, so I didn't use any meds to help with sleep.

Are you prescribed steroids (decadron, usually) around the time of chemo? They can interfere with sleep. If they are playing a part, and you've had no trouble with allergic reactions so far -- you might be able to negotiate a trial of a lower dose of them.

What has worked really well with the middle-of-the-night awakenings for me has been putting books on tape on my iPod and listening to stories via earbuds, when I find myself awake and not getting back to sleep. I wish that I'd had this "treatment" during chemo. It works well for me for several reasons. I don't get so anxious about not-sleeping, telling myself that at least I'm relaxing and enjoying myself, as I listen to my stories. It diverts my mind from those crazy anxiety-filled chains of thought that can happen at 3am. I often fall easily back to sleep, while listening, and then the next time I awaken, I go back to listening. I've found that interesting but fairly light books are best -- no depressing ones, no REALLY tense or intriguing ones. Simple British mysteries work well for me. Even ones I've already read or heard.

Talking about this reminds me of those long nights, and of something I noticed during chemo. I'd already been perimenopausal so hot flashes weren't new to me but the intensity and frequency of them were, and it began within weeks of starting chemo. The odd thing, though, was that I'd wake up, suddenly, wide awake (as LMBs notes). As long as I just lay there, nothing happened. But the second that I turned over (moved, I guess) -- bam, a major hot flash would happen. Did anyone else experience this? So the awakening preceded the hot flash, but still seemed related to it. Or was it? It was hard to figure out the physiology behind it.

Debbie L.
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