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Old 10-14-2013, 07:18 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 5
Re: ER/PR negative survivors

Thank you all so much for your replies!! I noticed one member mentioned tamoxifen which I thought was only for ER/PR + patients but what do I know. I need to figure out how to add my clinical story to my name tag.

I also read the note the member wrote about maybe needing to start the vaccine within 6 months of being off Herceptin. Ironically I am 2 weeks shy of my last Herceptin. Makes me nervous to read the vaccine helps more of the low Her2 + patients (I am Her2 +++). I am BRCA1 and BRCA2 negative with zero family history. I live in Ohio but I'm currently trying to get approved (insurance) for CancerNext genetic testing.

I also read about the tamoxifen thickening a members uterine lining. I am having that anyway with no tamoxifen - but did have infertility and PCOD - and now hyperplasia so the uterus is going to have to go.

No boobs - no uterus. I will have to start going by Chris instead of Christy.

I have a physically supportive husband and two amazing young boys (5 and 7) but this is a lonely existence.

Thanks again for replying - it has meant the world to me.

Christy aka Chris
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