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Old 09-01-2013, 09:58 AM   #11
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Re: metronomic chemo

You, my dear friend,
Are one AMAZING woman!
The fact that you are usually so upbeat is probably why your post the other day worried me. You sound much more like yourself now.

I know those ups and downs well... have them myself.
The coughing sounds dreadful!
But, it's encouraging that you can get rest/sleep when you need it... at least it sounds that way to me.

I'm sure you've thought of this already, but I'm annoyed on your behalf that there's no appeal process to get erubulin approved.
Or some way to get the manufacturer to ease up on the expense.
The injustice of needing something and having bureaucrats and corporate profits stand in the way makes me frustrated, sad, and more than a little bit angry.

Stupid committees! Stupid drug companies!! Stupid cancer!
Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Lots more prayers and love heading your way!
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