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Old 08-31-2013, 08:25 PM   #9
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Re: metronomic chemo

Thanks for the articles Lani - there are no trials I can access here now. In considered too heavily pretreated. It does sounds like there is some
Promise with metronomic chemo though. Our plan at this stage is to try and get some reduction with the eribulin and then control it with the metronomic chemo.

Denise - I am usually quite an 'up' person and of the hope until my last breath kind of girl but when I replied I'd come in from spending some time in my garden (which I love) and I just couldn't do much. I'd basically been coughing so much I was vomiting. Nothing is working to help with the cough apart from rest (sleep is such respite from the urge to cough). I don't know why but even the codeine linctus is ineffective and makes me drowsy, next step for cough suppression is morphine and I just can't do that. I love to talk but now that is a major trigger for the cough too - some people are probably happy about that!

I'm having a better day today - more time in the garden, cough not so bad though I am ready for a nanna nap now.

Re: the price - eribulin was refused by the committee that approves drugs on our pharmaceutical benefits scheme earlier this year. There are no patient access programs and private insurance doesn't cover the cost (they are throwing in $150/dose and the private hospital is putting in $250/dose)

I agree with the change in language. I try to see each cough as me ridding myself of then cancer, a chance to face up to the challenge and I've always thought I would see a couple of Christmases as least yet but yesterday, with all of this coughing and vomiting I just honestly felt like I was dying. It was the lost distressing experience. I have a very quiet week of rest, meditation and around the house jobs and am enjoying sitting in the spring sunshine.

I will be at that graduation and then Alex's and then Gus'!
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