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Old 05-26-2013, 09:22 PM   #44
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Re: More Progression

Firstly to homework! I like your style (no surprises there) Denise! I find my girls' school pretty low key on the homework and assignments compared to others I've seen though we did spend the weekend helping Mic spray paint her space shuttle model - I am not looking forward to the space themed board game. I totally step back and let them do the work (or not as it is for Alex at the moment). A my son's school the no longer call it homework but "home learning" - go figure! Even funnier, we don't have parent teacher interviews but "learning progress discussions". I love the use of the language - cracks me up.

They spend so much time at school they need downtime and family time when they get home. I never get them working on holidays. I have a friend whose girls are 12 and spending all weekend and hours each night on homework that makes my brain hurt just reading it. Crazy.

Secondly, I'm doing fine thanks. One cycle completed. Now sporting a funky little pixie as my hair thins and I'm desperately hoping it will stay enough for me to get to a wedding without having to wig up next weekend. I enjoyed my week off this past week and my energy improved. So far just a general joint flu like ache that we are all familiar with - a little worse 2 out of the 7 days. Have my bottom troubles managed with regular gastro stop. I am feeling like my cough has dramatically improved in the past couple of days but is am trying not to get too excited as the weather is a little warmer (the cold sets my cough off). We have decided to wait another cycle until we scan as I seem pretty stable symptom wise and my tumor markers are stable too (never a good indicator for me but they had steadily risen for about 6 months). My onc is off to ASCO and hopefully going to find something new and wonderful for me if I need it but for now here's to this shrinking things to NED (why do I hear someone somewhere laughing as I write that?) - more mysterious things have happened. She said next step for me would be reinventing the wheel -oh well, I'm always up for a challenge.
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