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Old 03-18-2013, 04:30 PM   #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 508
Re: Brain Mets - new or old?

Thinking about you today and continuing to pray. Sounds like the taper will take some patience, Denise. I did a steroid for the entire year of my chemo twenty nine years ago and I still remember the nasty repercussions.....yep, classic "moon" face, slept no more than six hours at a time (and that with a sleeping pill), cleaned for hours before going to work and then hours after getting home (until the time "off" each cycle, when I would crash like I had hit a brick wall! I mention all of that only so that you know someone does understand completely! Grab onto the best part of all this mess.....agonal tumor death!

Apparently the effects of radiation can go on for some central vision in my right (irradiated) eye is expected to disappear between a year and eighteen months from the time the plaque was applied. I'm trying to be glad that there is the potential to kill cancer cells for quite a while!

You are in my prayers daily, dear Denise. Hang in there.

Barb A.
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