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Old 02-10-2013, 07:53 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 19
lumpectomy vs. mastectomy?

I am looking for thoughts on the choice between having a lumpectomy vs. a mastectomy. I was diagnosed in Aug. 2012 with stage IV, having many mets to the liver but only one large primary in the right breast. It's very low, almost out of the actual breast tissue, but it was large. I finished 16 rounds of taxol, having both herceptin and perjeta every third week, also zometa as they have an area of bone they are watching. I will have the ovaries out early March as the breast area is Er+. All the Drs. involved feel removing the original site is a good idea, but two surgeons have each suggested different paths. The mass reduced by 1/2 during the first 8 rounds of chemo but has been stable since. If I choose a lumpectomy it will be a large area. If I choose the Mast. they are suggesting reconstruction though the surgeon and the oncologist may have different thoughts on this. Oncologist was worried about the need for future treatment and the reconstruction being "in the way" also the amount of stress it will add to my body as the liver is still in pretty poor shape. Any thoughts or directions to sites that might help me would be greatly appreciated. This is a very hard choice. ( my husband has had colon cancer twice, but his plan of action was always pretty straight forward, FYI he is doing very well...20 yrs since his first and 7 yrs. since his second) I had know idea there was so much not known about Breast cancer and which path works best. Thanks in advance for any thoughts you can share.
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