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Old 12-29-2012, 07:27 AM   #7
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Re: Brain mets discussion- Please share your thoughts

It seems like following the brain is very subjective, specifically if you've never had brain disease. I chose not to get regular brain MRI's for many years - the first 8 yrs of my Stage IV dx. I just didn't want to know because I didn't think I could handle it.
My doctors were respectful of this. Also, I think insurance may limit access to brain scans if you don't have history with brain disease.
I finally had to have a brain MRI in june 2010 as I was screening for a study and discovered a 4mm lesion in my L lobe. I had a single shot of rads, Novalis. My brain was clean for a year & a half, when a f/u scan showed a 2mm "shadow" in the same region as the previous spot. A f/u 8 weeks later revealed 8 spots in my brain, 2 larger ones in my R lobe & brain stem.
That required 15 rounds of WBR, and the dreaded decadron. But by the grace of God, my brain scans were clear in the one month post rads f/u MRI, and have been ever since. I was virtually asymptomatic with both events, so I'm pretty terrified each time I do another f/u MRI. I'm on a q3mo schedule now.
My next Brain MRI is January 8. I can't bear think about it.
Trying to stay in the moment and not borrow problems from tomorrow that may never come. But last January was the start of a very difficult 6 months- WBR, progression of systemic disease & starting a 14th line regimen, and losing my dad & a bad cycling accident that put my sister in ICU for 4 days. I don't know how we got thru that horrible time...but we did.
But I digress...;(
Thanks for starting this thread, Yanyan. Sharing our experiences is as cathartic as it is empowering.

Keep the Faith everyone & Here's to a brilliant 2013 filled with
miracles of all sizes & so many possibilities~

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