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Old 12-18-2012, 01:18 PM   #12
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Re: Disappointed, frustrated, sad, scared and a lil angry...

Thank you my friends~
Your kind words have allowed me to finally release the frustrated, disappointed tears that I held back all day yesterday.
I talked to my onc's NP, who has become a friend last night and she ensured me that whatever I want, whatever I want to do, that she and my onc are behind me and will support my wishes.
She said to email her in the morning with precisesly what I want and need.So I did. I was clear and decisive and requested:
1) An IR consult to determine once and for all if I am a candidate for stenting.
2) Can it be done this week.
3) A consult with a different Rad Onc (one at a different location that I saw for supraclav rads in '08) and transfering my treatment under her care -essentially FIRING the arrogant RadOnc from yesterday, who incidentally just finished her Residency in 2011.

Time is of the essence so I told her I have cleared my schedule to be available to see the IR or the new Rad Onc whenever they're available, and will be prepared to wait for as long as needed to get in to see them asap.

I just want a normal Christmas...

Keeping the Faith~

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