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Old 10-29-2012, 10:44 AM   #5
Nancy L
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Only 12k is very disappointing. Until the primary focus of breast cancer awareness is metastatic disease I doubt much will change in funding and campaigns like this. I drafted an e-mail message with this poster and a person message and I sent it to a lot of people urging them to donate to metastatic research. The messages I got back mostly were "I had no idea". But we have to remember Human beings do not want to hear bad news, especially things that could happen to them, and 40K+ women dying each year is not what the media wants to talk about. I have often thought if during the month of October instead of pink everything, the TV channels had a ticker tape display at the bottom of the screen (like is done for sports scores or stock prices) with the names of all the women and their age at death from the previous year, if this would scare people enough to demand research be focused on the real killer. We also need a high powered person to pound this message home. People have to get outraged. If Romney gets in office, I am hoping Ann might be that person. Although her breast cancer was stage 0, she still has a 4% chance of metatisizing and I know from hearing her talk that it is still on her mind. Of course, MS is probably her biggest worry right now.

All Physcians and researchers have to get on board too. They need to demand metastatic disease be the focus rather than more chemo dmrugs. But we have to realize that a new treatment drug is where the money is for drug companies, physicians and researchers. If they discover the answer to metastatic for breast cancer, I believe it will also answer the puzzle for other solid tumors too. A big return on the research investment. I don't believe health care costs can ever be controlled if we don't eliminate diseases. More people being diagnosed and treatment cost skyrocketing won't result in costs going down. We need to get smarter and work on this in a very targeted way.

i lived my sisters breast cancer journey for eight years and I have been dealing with my own diagnosis for almost nine years. The things I have heard physicians say. Many physicians just have a very hard time communicating that they're not going to be able to cure the patient. If the answer to metatasis is found, the won't have to deliver bad news.
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