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Old 10-14-2012, 04:47 AM   #6
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Re: Is there benefit in surgery for stage iv's

Oh Cat the word curative is such a lovely word isn’t it! Thank you for the link I will print it off and sit and digest it, think I will be a mind of information on breast cancer at the end of all this lol but joking aside the more info I can get the more I can help and support my beautiful girl…she is going to beat this!!
Some of the research I have read up on does indeed point towards the fact that Lorna is young, healthy and only has one area where the cancer has spread. In my view she must be given the best possible chance of beating this disease and no stone can go unturned!
Lorna does not have inflammatory breast cancer, not sure with regards to dense breasts. I do know that they said she did have dense breasts because of her age (22) and that young women have dense breasts but don’t know if she would have dense breasts regardless of age.
We live in the UK and I know we can be a few years behind with the development of treatments for breast cancer but my way of thinking is I know the treatment is out there and if it means that I have to fight to get them for Lorna then that is just what I will do!!
Wishing you all continued good health with many more years to come.
Yvonne xx
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