Thread: Brenda
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Old 09-30-2012, 04:06 AM   #3
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Re: Brenda

Oh Brenda, I am so sorry and so sad to have to say goodbye to you.
You have guided me through this journey with your incredible tenacity, wit, knowledge and pragamatic passion. What a blessing it was to meet you last December @SABCS and the share a chat or two, agreeing that we "don't want to die sick".
I know you left us in peace and comfort and that helps my heart rest a little quieter, but still aches at the thought of your absence.
I've always turned to you and your posts first and have followed your examples of enduring and surviving so many different regimens, I will fee lost for the time being. But I have our sister warriors to conitnue to lean on, what a gift that is.
We will miss you terribly my sweet friend.

"A Luminous light remains where a Beautiful Soul has passed."
Antoine Boveau

Aloha ke akua~

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