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Old 09-25-2012, 12:35 PM   #1
Joanne S
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Detroit Metropolitan Area, Michigan
Posts: 592
Unhappy Breast Cancer Spread to Uterus

MJs husband:
Greg, My heart goes out to you and your wife. Let he know she is not alone.

To all:
I feel bad that I have not been active with HER2 support group for quite a long time. Although NED for almost 5 years, I was experiencing other problems, including back/hip pain and depression. I tried logging on a at various times but ended up having trouble with my logon ID somehow changed to “JoanneS” instead of “Joanne S” and my emails wouldn't go through. Somehow I got through to PinkGirl a few months ago. Thanks PinkGirl for initiating the fix a while ago. I hope all my HER2 buddies will forgive me for being away for so long.

My last MRI and CT Scans in December 2011, revealed NED. A month ago, I started having abnormal bleeding on and off. I had a pelvic, pap smear and ultrasound---all with normal results. I then had a new PET Scan and then D&C surgery two weeks ago. Last week I got bad news that the D&C pathology and the PET Scan findings revealed cancer in my uterus.

I searched and scoured the internet for any info relating to BC mets to uterus (BCTU), but found nothing. I found info relating to Tamoxifen risk for uterine cancer-- I don’t have uterine cancer and I’m not on Tamoxifen---I have breast cancer to the uterus. I know once you have BC you are at risk for metastasis so I felt blessed for being NED and felt I will be strong and handled getting this news quite well.

I had chemo induced menopause and was only on Tamoxifen a few months. I’ve been on Arimidex for over 4 1/2 years and I have breast cancer metastasis to the uterus; so yes, it’s definitely very uncommon. My BC oncologist referred me to a gynecological oncologist surgeon, which I saw last week, in hopes of scheduling a hysterectomy ASAP, but after having a pelvic by this specialist, I was in big-time shock to find out that I have tumors outside and beyond the uterus; and therefore, I am not a candidate for a hysterectomy. The cancer spread to the uterus, cervix, pelvic ligaments, nodes, and my right greater trochanter (top of femur)-and possibly the glutemus maximus muscle and bladder. I was absolutely shaking inside everywhere. It just made me wonder how so many others here have so much strength. I admire them so.

I'll be going for another MRI next week to get a clearer picture of all involvement. Although my primary breast cancer was ER+/PR+, and HER2+, I found it odd that this metastasis is ER+/PR+ and negative for HER2. My oncologist indicated that the cell characteristics can change when they decide to park and grow in a new location in the body. Evidently the Arimidex did it job for quite a while but isn't anymore. I started Exemestane today. Along with all the new anxiety of the dx ---ugh---I’m not surprised I’m not feeling very well so far. I start Affinitor in two days. Anyone been on either Exemestane and/or Affinitor?

Greg, I am sending huge hugs to both you and your wife and wish her continued improvement. And I just want to say to you: Thank You! You are an absolutely thoughtful, wonderful, caring man, and so appreciate you for posting about your wife and being on this group! Although your wife’s dx aren’t exactly the same as mine, reading your posts has helped me and brought me comfort in knowing I’m not alone. Hope it brings your wife a lol comfort too. Thank you Greg!
Aug06...Dx Age 50, IDC Left Breast, 6+/16 lymph nodes, Stg 3, ER+/PR+/HER2+
Sep06-Jan07...Mediport. Chemo: AC x 4, T x 4
Feb12,2007...Surg MRM Left & SM Right, reconstruct w/expanders
Mar07-Jun07...Saline Exp
Jun07...Start Tamoxifen
Jun07-Aug07...Rad x 25
Jun07-Oct07...Persistent fevers-unknown origin
Jun07-Nov07...PT for Severe PMPS & Capsular Contracture
Nov07...Surg Capsulectomy, Gel Implants, PMPS pain gone instantly.
Feb08...NED 1st CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb08...2 months post surgery Caps Cont again :(
Mar08...Stop Tamoxifen. Start Arimidex.
Apr08...Sudden high fever, Hosp ICU 10 days, staph infect, emerg surg, implants removed. Outpt IVantibiotics Daily x 6 weeks
Feb11...NED 5th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb12...NED 6th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Aug12...Spotting. Surg=D&C
Sep12...STAGE IV = RARE BC METS TO UTERUS ILC ER+/PR+/HER2-Negative) (Different BC than originally diagnosed = IDC ER+/PR+/HER2+).
Sep12...Stop Arimidex. Start Afinitor & Aromasin.
Jan13...MRI = no progression no reduction
Apr13...Progression. Stop Afinitor & Aromasin.
Apr13...Start Chemo: Taxol & Carboplatin.
Nov13...Scans & Pelvic 95+% Reduction. Nueropathy>Stop chemo start Fareston.
Jan14...PET scan = no progression stable.
May14...Pelvic > Bleeding & cramps. TMs up.
May14...PET scan = uterine progression :(
May14...Stop Fareston. Start Chemo: Xeloda.

Last edited by Joanne S; 09-25-2012 at 12:40 PM.. Reason: typo
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