Thread: update on me
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Old 09-15-2012, 03:55 PM   #7
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Re: update on me

It's strange how loss of mobility and independence can be so much more mood-devastating than the cancer itself can be. I have seen it in people I have visited in the hospital, even those without cancer. Women stop putting on their makeup and brushing their hair when they lie in a hospital bed and fear their lack of mobility will be permanent and cause them to lose their independence and "sovereignty" The day they get out of bed and sit in a chair and then walk....on goes the lipstick, here comes the hairbrush and ...Voila, they are themselves again.

{From those I have visited in hospital it seems men have a different way of dealing with this....they are just a lot less talkative until they figure they will be alright, mobile again and "king of their domain" again}

Just remember your mobility set back may be just that--a setback. Once your
team determines if your weakness is due to disuse atrophy (muscles weaken when not used as much) or a tumor pressing on your spine (which can respond to systemic treatment and/or radiation treatment) they will have an idea of how to treat you best and you may be well on your way to regaining your ability to take care of things better yourself.

Can you ask your doctor to have a physical therapist see you at home? They can give you exercises you can do lying in bed to keep your muscles strong and give helpful hints as to how to maximize your ability to do things yourself and make it easier on those helping you.

It is hard to ask for help, but this is just help to help you keep from needing more help.

I hope this is just a tiny pothole on the way to the TDM1 superhighway.

I just finished attending the ASCO breast conference and Hope Rugo predicted TDM1 would be approved by the end of this year or beginning of next.

Hang in there!!
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