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Old 08-08-2012, 09:15 AM   #1
capburke's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 9
Lightbulb Completed survey = $5 donation to this website

Reposting for any newbies--thanks to all of you that have already completed the survey!!

Help us better understand the needs of younger breast cancer patients AND donate $5 to this website!

The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a correlation between self-directed learning (such as information sharing on this forum) and quality of life in younger breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. You can participate in this study by clicking on the link below; the survey takes less than 10 minutes and is completely confidential. To support the self-directed learning activities of breast cancer patients and survivors, a donation of $5.00 will be made on behalf of each survey participant to this breast cancer discussion forum/website or to a forum/website of your choice. Survey results and donation totals will be posted within 30 days after the survey closes (September 2012).

To qualify, you must be a woman with breast cancer between the ages of 18 and 50 and currently in chemotherapy (any type).

P.S. If you participated in the pilot survey already, you can not participate in this survey. But please forward to other breast cancer patients and we will make donations on their behalf.

Christina Burke – Researcher, DBA Candidate, and BC patient.

Dx 1/10 with 3A and have had 2 recurrences to the lymph nodes in chest and neck. Just finished radiation (for the second time!) and I am currently on Xeloda. Clear PET 6/12/12!!!! Hoping to join NeuVax trial in October.
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