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Old 06-08-2012, 03:30 PM   #8
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Location: Boulder Colorado as of January 2013
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Re: frustration and anger

From the husband's point of view, it can be hard to deal with. So can me leaving the toilet seat up from your point of view. It is called a Marriage because there are some "Mar"s in it. Most family members understand the strain of the disease on you. Not everyone, and certainly not every day. Everybody in the house, including the dog and cat, are in this with you. They may not like it, but the truth is you did not choose to have the garbage inside you. If they wanted Beach Barby every day, then the should have married someone else. At the same time, when the steroids are in full force, find a soft padded room, warn the others, and buy stress balls to destroy. And the steroids are a big issue for me to, so sometimes we have to take turns in the timeout room.
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