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Old 05-29-2012, 09:49 AM   #18
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GOOD NEWS! Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance coverage terminated!

Just talked to the lady @my insurance co who has been helping me. I missed her call earlier this morning and as I was dialing her back I was so nervous. But now I'm sooo relieved!
From our conversation it seems that their intention was to cancel my policy - yes CANCEL, but she said that their decision from Friday (when I noticed they had drafted my account for 3 mos. of premiums???) "didn't sit well (with her) all weekend..." so she went to talk to her boss' boss and was able to get the decision reversed and they're reinstating my policy, with no lapse in coverage (the month of April til today). When I thanked her I started to cry, which made her start to cry and when we hung up she wished me well and said to just take care of me and get better.
So scary. And so ruthless of the insurance company to be so anxious to drop me -even though I've never been late on a payment in the 10 years I've been with them -I'm not surprised that they would WANT to drop me considering how much they've paid over the past decade in my medical bills! And to be fair, they have never delayed a decision or denied any treatment or surgery. So thankful to be able to even have/afford insurance as a self employed person that isn't able to work full time.
I always had faith that this would resolve well and I'm just so relieved that it was without a fight and I have my insurance angel to thank.
And thanks to you guys for the information and your support and optimism.
Now let's get this Health Care Plan figured out so that we can all feel safe that our healtcare will always be protected!

Always Keeping the Faith~

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