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Old 05-26-2012, 05:05 AM   #3
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Re: Mirena IUD Vs. Breast Cancer Relationship

october 2011 to now to have caused breast cancer seems far too quick and very doubtful.
You would have to check if trials have been given concerning this to find a correlation between the two but I would doubt it given that millions of women have used IUDs.
Jud it seems you've had some allergic or emotional reaction and that this is something you should discuss with your doctor and prehaps discontinue using.
I think too often we look to blame something we have done to be the cause of our cancer but guess what, it isn't, shit happens and so does cancer. It's not because of an IUD or an abortion or because we ate too much meat or dairy, it just happens. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. Vegetarians get cancer too.
be well
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