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Old 03-02-2012, 08:59 AM   #14
Debbie L.
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Re: Hail Mary Pass - dropped the ball

Ann, I'm sorry to hear your news, and I send lots of good thoughts. Maybe we could call it just a fumble at this point? No one knows the future, as others have said so well already.

Just a thought -- since the dang C-diff damage is what's limiting your options right now -- is there any possibility that hyperbaric O2 treatments would help the colon heal more quickly? I don't know much about this but I keep hearing about it for tissue healing in general. I do get some google hits, talking about hyperbaric O2 for radiation-induced colitis so it does seem it might be effective deep inside.

Lapatinib is not easy on the gut for most -- something else to consider.

After the PET, regardless of whether your onc has formulated a plan or not, could be a good time for a 2nd opinion.

I know you'll keep us posted. Lots of good thoughts to you. How are you feeling (in any way that you care to answer that questions -- physically and/or emotionally)?

Debbie Laxague
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