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Old 02-20-2012, 02:55 PM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 7
Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!

I was on Herceptin for a year, completed in 2010. 3 months later I had a rash on my chest which turned out to be local reoccurrence. I took Xeloda and Tykerb, I finished in the Xeloda on 8/2011 (and stayed on 1250mg of Tykerb daily. Most recent Petscan (1/2012) shows I have a 1.4cm lymph node on my axilla on the right side. All previous cancer was on left and chest wall. Onc. is thinking of putting me back on Herceptin and staying on the Tykerb. I am Ner 2 neu, Er/PR neg. My 1st Herceptin infusion, I had an anaphylactic reaction and was rushed to ER. I had to be desensitized to herceptin before I could accept it, 6 months later. Can all this posion in our bodies be making things worse.? I have had lumpectomy, mastectomy, radiation (twice) and hypothermia. Cytoxan, Taxotere, then adriamyacin and cytoxin. Herceptin for a year alone, then navelbine. Xeloda, Tykerb. Original Ca was DCIS in 2004. Cancer returned in 2009 as Her 2 neu. My side effects have been minimal on the tykerb alone. Very itchy dry skin on lower legs. Some fatigue. Rash around ankles (red spots?) I'll keep you posted once I start Herceptin/tykerb combo. Probably won't be till March.
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