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Old 09-30-2011, 09:51 AM   #19
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Re: Need some advice

Hello Two's enough,
If the reconstruction is done with part of your body - there are different places and methods - Diep, tram, some from the back, some stomach, I'm not up to date on it all but the results feel totally natural. Ask at your hospital or at your surgeon's if someone's had this type of reconstruction and meet with them to talk about it and maybe touch their breast - you'll be peasantly surprised. ok the nipple will be different but the feel of the breast will be identical to your other one.
I think you're probably focusing on the breast questions because you're scared about cancer and it's easier to think about this than face the scary idea of cancer. Just remember that breast cancer is probably the best understood and researched cancer anyone could have.
Watch some funny movies with your kids and realize you're going to live, yes the journey will be hard but you're not alone and you will get through it and live to see those kids have kids of their own.
Hugs and love
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