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Old 04-14-2011, 06:30 AM   #12
Posts: n/a
Re: update - on wbr & how I'm feeling

Dear Pam -
StephN here - still in Indonesia - but had to look in a see how everyone is.

I always mention over and over that Decadron is MUSCLE WASTING - no matter what you eat. My thigh muscles were really weakened when I had to take it before and after my Gamma Knife. I had a healthy appetite, but could feel myself having a harder time with my stairs as the days went by. So, even a person who is not coming from as weakened a state can have marked difficulty from just that drug.

Once you have been off it for 10 or so days you will notice your strength returning.

Also, there is a type of Ensure that is for muscle rebuilding. That may also give you a bit of a lift.

You have made it this far, and the road will start to flatten out soon. We all send love and best wishes for peace of mind and renewed strength.
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