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Old 04-09-2011, 05:33 PM   #16
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Location: St. George, UT
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Re: Another update on triciaK

I am so encouraged by all your thoughts and prayers and good wishes! After posting last night I had the best night's sleep in two months. I have no doubt your prayers contributed. I woke up at 3 a.m. itching terribly, got up and relieved the itch somewhat with a hairbrush--probably not wise but I was desperate! Then I sprayed an organic moisturizer I had been given at the "Look Good, Feel Better" workshop I attended several months ago inspired by Sheila'a description of one she attended. It worked better than the prescriptions the dermatologist had prescribed. I went back to bed and slept until 8:30 this morning. I really surprised and delighted my husband by poaching eggs and making toast for our breakfast---he has been trying to do the cooking since I have been so ill, and he is not naturally domestic. I have actually had an appetite today and have kept everything down---amazing progress!
On Tuesday last week my oncologist had prescribed 2 prednisone a day for 3 days and now 1 for 10 days, plus benedryl every eight hours, plus hydrocodone for the pain of the hives. Last night was the first night I had felt any positive response to those meds. It seems to be a good combination and I have hopes that we can get the allergy under control enough to try another chemo. The onc was pretty sure the severe hives were caused more by the tykerb than the xeloda, which troubles me somewhat because I may need to continue the tykerb if he is sure the herceptin is not effective now for me. I am really reluctant to give up the big H because it was so effective in 2004 and 2005.There is still so much up in the air, but I am feeling much more hope and confidence than I did when I posted yesterday, and I am convinced that your comments and prayers are very much a part of that. I will keep you updated on how things continue, especially as I talk with the oncologist and proceed with the next phase of treatment. Thank you, dear friends and fellow warriors! Love and hugs, TriciaK
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