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Old 02-21-2011, 06:32 AM   #2
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Re: To treat or not to treat VERY early stage HER2 IDC

Well I was diagnosed with DCIS HER2+++ ER+ and PR+ in 1999; had a mastectomy and was told I was cured came back invasive in 2003 so....get some good advice from oncologists with HER2 experience.
I asked about herceptin in 99 and was told because it wasn't invasive, it wasn't needed but that protocol has changed and I doubt very much that you won't be given a short series of Herceptin and I would feel more comfortable with that. You don't lose your hair, don't have the extreme fatigue with Herceptin that you have with chemo - it's tolerable unless you have heart issues which they'll check.
ask them about Raloxephene (not sure of spelling) a friend of mine who's not menapausal yet, takes that and has for about 8 years, she didn't like what she'd read about tamoxifen but she's not HER2.
Looks like you're going to get advice from good sources who probably have the best, up to date info.
I can't imagine they won't give you herceptin which personally I think is very important. I'm convinced that if I'd had it in 99, I wouldn't have had a recurrence but...
take care, it's worrying trying to decide what to do
They have a lot more precise tests they can do now - someone like Lani may know more about that
health and happiness
love sarah
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