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Old 01-12-2011, 09:04 PM   #22
Posts: n/a
Re: Memories of Lolly

Hello everyone!

This is Lolly's son again! I'm here tonight reading some of mom's postings, tearing up like all heck of course. There are times when it just feels as if nothing has happened since she passed, just like it was yesterday.. Damnit do I ever miss her.

I just wanted to let you all know we are hanging in there, dad's having a really rough go of it but he's slogging along like the trooper that he is. He doesn't think he'll ever get over it and he's probably right.

We both bought Kayaks the next summer and took some really nice trips down rivers and around some lakes. Very bitter-sweet for him as their first date was a canoeing trip, we float that same section of river frequently.

Anne is engaged to be married soon to a great guy, work is great, she loves her job and is advancing well. She has taken over the holidays in place of mom, which is fine by dad and I, I doubt we could handle it ourselves.

It's amazing how many little private reminders of mom are hidden around the house, It's to the point now where I can take one look at dad and know that he found something. Very sad indeed.

I have taken up with an old love, music and music gear, and am close to launching a small business building custom amplifiers and effects pedals. I can tell you that mom would be ecstatic, which makes me very proud. The night she passed I told her that I would get back into music as she was the happiest for me when I was in that environment.

I doubt I need to tell any of you how much you meant to her. I can say that I'm sure if she could, she would wish you all the best and leave you her love.

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