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Old 01-07-2011, 08:01 AM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 508
Re: update on my progress

Good morning, Pam. You did have a big doctor day, didn't you? Here's hoping that the choice of the next treatment is the perfect choice and that you'll see that CA2729 coming the next month, as you continue to heal, try not to expect great energy or disposition. You really have been through a lot recently and we so often expect "rebound" of ourselves and are disappointed when it can take longer than we expect. Sounds like you have a plan to help yourself about the "blahs" and getting out a bit, and establishing a more "normal" routine is a good and reasonable plan. Saying a prayer for you as you continue to heal. Gentle hugs.

Barb A.
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