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Old 12-06-2010, 10:03 AM   #11
Debbie L.
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Re: Just Diagnosed HER2+ Stage 4

Brina, so sorry for why you're here. As you can see, we do welcome you and we hope that as you become acquainted with cancer, you'll find support here. The other part of that is that as you become acquainted with cancer, you'll be able to OFFER support here and that will be satisfying.

It sounds like you're still in the discovery stage of diagnosis, with CT results still pending?

I know this is such a scary thing to have come at you, out of the blue. But from what you've said so far, it does not sound like there is anything urgent or immediately life-threatening. If the cancer is in your bones, it is likely that it's a hormone positive cancer (that's good news). If it's not anywhere else and causing no severe symptoms, some providers might consider beginning your treatment with Herceptin or a drug similar to it, and an endocrine treatment, rather than chemo, at this time. Do you have your pathology report, which should give that information about ERPR and other details?

It's wonderful that you have an oncologist who you like and trust. Did he (she?) encourage you to get a 2nd opinion at a Comprehensive Cancer Center?
That's always a good idea, and does not reflect on your respect and trust of your local provider in any way. It's just good medicine, to make sure there are not other options that are being missed, and also to provide that all-important peace of mind. It's likely that the 2nd opinion treatment recommendation will be the same or very similar, but that doesn't mean it's not of benefit. If you get that expert second opinion right now, before you set upon your treatment path, you will never second-guess yourself later and will know you're doing all you can to live with this in the best way possible.

Debbie Laxague
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