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Old 10-22-2010, 06:20 PM   #14
joyce lutz
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 84
Re: can you really die from WBR?

Unfortunately, my daughter was given wbr w/o any time to consider other alternatives! So now we are looking to further decrease the tumor size and give her good quality of life at the same time by giving her the best drug to accomplish that. And as I previously stated that is Temador and Avastin. She is also trying to get off decadron.

I'm not always convinced that the dr's. KNOW what is the best drug. They use trial and error. I know one thing, if I have any say in the matter that she will not have wbr in the future. (her radiologist said she might have that if tumors began to grow after 6 months) They told her that she had too many tumors (7) to do gamma knife and now after reading on this and other message boards I don't believe that was the case and will encourage her to go for a 2nd opinion. My best to you
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