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Old 09-21-2010, 02:04 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Re: Have to get a port - anything I should know?

just had a leaking power port removed,months after infusion nurses kept having increasingly difficult access,finally a nurse refused to access it which precipitated a flow test which showed it had been leaking monocloned antibodies(rituxan) into my chest.there are some horror stories on other websites that you probably shouldn't read if you get upset easily.the catherters can come loose and they will have to call in radiologists to try and locate where it is in your body and try to retrieve it before,well you can quess what,just read one on website pulled up on google where the cath wound in the heart,another where they had to retrieve it thru the jugular.i'm glad i didn't read it before my replacement with a rita double,and will have the stress of this along with the rest.
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