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Old 08-26-2010, 08:31 AM   #3
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Re: Early stage treatment discussion

I am happy to explain to you.
When I was first dx. even though I was seen by what was considered to be top dr. in the field (and I am not saying they are not) only that many follow standard of care even when there are newer cutting edge choices that should be explained to the patient and allow the patient to make their own choices. As a newly dx. women I remember how I felt needing all the information I could gather and wanted to connect with others who were early stagers who could possible share some information that would help me - assist me - to dig further on for additional information. I did not think this video especailly knowledable for stage IV women. This video states from a qualified dr. the newer standards being followed today -(even though there are still dr. who will not treat early stage patients). It is still my belief that a women needs to know that all top dr. in a field do not think alike.

One of the outstanding comments that was menioned by the dr. was not to be convinced that a node negative dx. is 100% safe. While node negative is very favorable many have been mislead by this. I believe knowledge is power and women who are early stagers usually for the most do not know many of the detials we later come to be familiar with.

While I agree that it is most upsetting for all who are newly dx. I do not believe this video is threatening nor upsets a newly dx. women, but is in fact helpful.

Also I disagree that the video in any way displays a quick fix. There is no quick fix with any type of cancer. We all realize that while being dx. early does help this is still a very serious dx. I understand the video to be another tool of sharing information of new treatment choices which assist a dx. patient to make chocies.

I am a stronger advocate of early stage information as I experienced so much controversary during my own dx. in 05. Each year we see progress and yet often we hear from a newly dx. member information that is not up to cutting edge. Just recently on my last onc. visit my dr. was sharing with me how a women came to consult with him she had a tumor under 1cm was Her2, the other dr. said no herceptin treatment would be needed and did not even offer herceptin. I think this decision should be up to the patient and all inforamtion on all treatment needs to be offered. Most often a newly dx. patient does not even know the right questions to ask or what the names of the drugs are. It is a huge learning curve.

Again, I do not believe this video is making a statment to anyone to "jump on board"
and do anything, rather offering new updated information. I don't think this video is offering much to a later stage patient.

Hope this explains why I noted this would be especially worthy of viewing for newer dx. patients as anyone over stage 1 is usually given treatment while earlier stage patients are not. It is currently as the video states by the dr. that Herceptin is standard of care with Her2 dx. Of course the treatment choices are always up to the patient.


Stage 1, Grade 1, 3/30/05
Lumpectomy 4/15/05 - 6MM IDC
Node Neg. (Sentinel node)
ER+ 90% / PR-, Her2+++ by FISH
Ki-67 40%
Arimidex 5/05
Radiation 32 trt, 5/30/05
Oncotype DX test 4/17/06, 31% high risk
TOPO 11 neg. 4/06
Stopped Arimidex 5/06
TCH 5/06, 6 treatments
Herceptin 5/06 - for 1 yr.
9/06 Completed chemo
Started Femara Sept. 2006

Last edited by Jean; 08-26-2010 at 04:49 PM..
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