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Old 07-14-2010, 01:55 PM   #32
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Re: Half of breast cancer patients treated with antihormonals are noncompliant ie, do

Interesting topic, but no answer is found.
First of all I have alway thought that the women who are dx. at a young age are faced with so many issues.
As most young women today work full time and also are raising their families. Difficult in any form let alone adding breast cancer to it and the med.

The older group of us who were post menapausal are facing side effects of thinning hair, joint pain, and all the other issues that come with the AI med.

Most important for me I changed my gyo to a women a while back and found that a female gyo was a major difference than any male gyo. They know first hand what giving birth feels like, what our body parts feel like etc. If you have a dr. that you cannot discuss the AI issues with forget it, all is lost before you begin to open your mouth.

We just do not have all the answers to these meds.
For me with an estrogen level of 90% I decided to deal with the negatives issues and try to alter as much as I can. I do find that swimming is a great way to exercise and get results, strange that I can do laps in the pool and come out and feel no joint pain or ache. The swimming is great for getting my joints and muscles in shape. Too bad I live in the East and close my pool in the fall and I just do not make it to the YMCA pool.
I just can't seem to find the time to get there on a regular schedule.

Oh, talking about finding the time another point to consider is I find in operating my company that no matter what time line I give I will always have a % of people who do not comply with reports when due and other items, etc. Maybe the same thing with taking the med. Just maybe there is a % of women who have intentions of taking them and darn it the day flys by and she forgets or is just to busy with family and jobs? Who knows, we do not have the answers. There are many reasons for not taking the meds. By choice, by accident, etc.

We are all adults and have to make life choices that work for us on a personal level. Some of the choices we have had to make since dx. are risky and dangerous.
But so is our dx. No easy way in and for sure no easy way out.

Of course we must tell our dr. what our side effects are and some dr. are better at addressing those issues.
But the issues remain these AI do cause strong side effects and it is different for each one of us.
Just like our breast cancer.

Great Thread Ladies.
For me I will take my chances with the AI

Best Wishes,
Stage 1, Grade 1, 3/30/05
Lumpectomy 4/15/05 - 6MM IDC
Node Neg. (Sentinel node)
ER+ 90% / PR-, Her2+++ by FISH
Ki-67 40%
Arimidex 5/05
Radiation 32 trt, 5/30/05
Oncotype DX test 4/17/06, 31% high risk
TOPO 11 neg. 4/06
Stopped Arimidex 5/06
TCH 5/06, 6 treatments
Herceptin 5/06 - for 1 yr.
9/06 Completed chemo
Started Femara Sept. 2006

Last edited by Jean; 07-14-2010 at 02:00 PM..
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