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Old 05-20-2010, 02:33 PM   #1
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Now Novalis for brain met too:(

I just met with the neuro-radiologist this morning to discuss the results of my Brain MRI.
So the 4mm spot is definitely something.
When we first discussed the results, I was amidst being dropped from the TDM1 study in Indiana, trying to shift gears to a new plan for the liver lesions AND finding out about the spot on my brain.
It was too much for me to handle, so my onc even suggested we just re-scan in 4-6 weeks.
Lo-and-behold, in order to qualify for the TDM1 Compassionate use program, you can't have any brain mets or at least 60 days since last treatment.
So, I had to face the fire.
One 4mm spot, L frontal lobe.
I've never been one to keep up with annual brain scans throughout the 8 years of fighting this disease - just too scary for me. If not for screening for the clinical trial, I may have never had the scan, so I guess it's good that I was forced to have one done, even if I didn't get into the study.And we caught it early and small.
I'm just so scared right now.
Everything seems so daunting and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage it all.
Even though I've seen so many of you handle this situation with so much grace and ease, and by your example I've come to feel less nervous, I'm still feeling overwhelmed.
The next couple of weeks are going to be pretty intense.
Continuing on Ixempra/Herceptin, then Novalis for the brain met on June 3rd, and chemo-embo for the liver mets on June 8th. I don't know if/how many times we'll repeat the chemo-embo, I'm sure they'll tell me.
I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize - TDM1...
and after all these procedures, I should be able to qualify for the Compassionate Use program.

Thanks for sharing your stories and offering inspiration & hope~

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