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Old 04-29-2010, 06:49 PM   #10
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 98
Re: Breast pain and strange lumps?

Not sure if this is worthy of note or of any "support", but my surger was last July (lumpectomy). I still have soreness and electrical pains in the affected breast. Just had my first mammogram post all this stuff and there is a spot they are watching. All docs (radiation, onc, family guy) all say this is typical and where we expected to be. I, too, wonder when the heck am I going to get my energy back?! I had been on cymbalta for neuropathy, but asked to wean off that, to see where I was (expensive and sleepy all the time) I've been off a few weeks now and I'm my cranky emotional old self again, but not so tired. I was just thinking this morning, which is the lesser evil: having no energy to live or being difficult to live with? I guess I decided that it's the others that have to live with me, and they'll just have to deal with it. Me, myself, and I get along just fine (I live alone) .

Hang in there, follow your gut, but from where I stand, healing feels like it will never come, then one day I realize that something isn't there anymore...progress!
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