Thread: Tykerb Only
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Old 03-29-2010, 03:57 PM   #12
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Re: Tykerb Only

I did not have a whole-body rash, but it was quite severe.

And, I don't know how the doctors can call that "a rash"! I had on my nose, around my mouth and on my chin approximately 30-40 of the largest, ugliest whiteheads I've ever seen (and I had acne as a teen)! I would call that every teenager's worst nightmare or Acne From Hell, not "a rash"! I could not leave the house for a couple of weeks!

...until the antibiotic my doctor prescribe kicked in (Minocycline). I will be taking that as long as I take the Tykerb (6 a day). (And it left me with faint marks on my face, as well!)

The good news? The combination I took of Tykerb and Navelbine (simultaneously) left me NED after only two months. So, it was worth it! (And I continue to take it.)

P.S. As I recall, I was told that it is not really a rash (or acne) but a separation of cells or skin layers --- or something like that (I wish I could remember better, but ..."chemo brain" interferes). I was also told that it meant that the Tykerb was working, which turned out to be accurate!
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