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Old 02-26-2010, 12:34 PM   #4
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Re: Lab Research Targets 'Estrogen-Receptor Positive' Breast Cancer Cells; Identifies

Well..the classic argument typically raised against combining endocrine with chemo is that it is cytostatic, slows the cells...thus making them less susceptible to proliferation targeting chemo. The above, and numerous positive chemoendocrine examples suggest that's not the full picture. From the supplement side, does green tea appears to help Taxol despite being recognized as antiestrogenic and antiproliferative. There was an oncology researcher some years ago who referred to complimentary inihibition.
In terms of tricking cancer to be mor eactive, that's kind of how the oft maligned insulin potentiation therapy is supposed to work. The biggest risk there is if you hype up the cells and the chemo used is not effective. A serum chemosensitivity test that could be used before each treatment would be ideal to counteract that.

As crazy as speeding up cancer sounds, it's my understanding that a current cancer stem cell trial uses a "maturation" factor to make the stem cells more proliferative so Taxotere can target them. Seems like the same sensitivity issue would be there.

I have seen one older paper where it was said that metronomic dosing is compatible with endocrine since metro targets slower moving endothelial cells and doesn't care if the endocrine therapy slows down the others. A comfortable way to hang onto the old theory while gaining the benefit of combining.

Mom's treatment history (link)
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