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Old 02-25-2010, 03:34 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
Re: Bad MUGA scan might mean no herceptin?

Chrisy, in your medical narrative you state:
1/8, progrssion in liver.
2/08, T-DM1 TRIAL
8/08, NED
9/09, NED
2/10, NED
In a previous entry you stated that you were also on PERTUZUMAB. Was the PERTUZUMAB introduced in your protocoll, to you, while you were NED? Or was it because of a reoccurance [a progression of your original desease under which you started the T-DM1 TRIAL]? At what point did you start PERTUZUMAB in your above medical sequence? It was my understanding that if you are NED you do not have to take the PERTUZUMAB. Did you personally elect to take it, even though you were NED? T-DM1 has been great for me so far, but PERTUZUMAB freightens me since it is still in Phase I, with no clinical history to it's effects, side effects etc. etc. [at least that is what my Study doctor says]. Could you please tell me what made you make up your mind to accept PERTUZUMAB, if in fact you were NED when you accepted it? I truly need your help with a response from you. My sincerest thanks. Angela
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