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Old 01-20-2010, 05:24 AM   #4
Pam P
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Re: If you have ever had Navelbine, pls reply.

Chelee - I am back on navelbine. I was on it a few years ago too. I get navelbine weekly for 3 weeks, then a week off. So 3 weeks on one week off per cycle. I do need to take the neupogen shots too. My doc. prescribed 3 shots after each tx but I've generally been giving myself only 2 shots and have been getting away with that with my wbc staying okay.

I see the doc today & have chemo. I'll ask what my dose is... I know it's based on weight etc. so there are variables & may not be the same weekly dose for each person. I'll also ask if he ever prescribes navelbine every 2 weeks & if so why and does the dosage equal what would be received weekly or is it reduced.

Maybe you get a larger dose every 2 weeks than you would have weekly but you get 2 weeks for your counts to recover between. Could be some advantage in that.
6/01 IBC er+ her2+stage IIIb; mastecomy
7/01 AC, taxol; radiation
2/02 tamoxifen
9/02 stage IV bone mets femara
1/03 taxotere/herceptin/aredia
6/03 herceptin, aredia & faslodex
1/04 navelbine, herceptin, aredia
2/05 herceptin/aredia
7/05 xeloda/herceptin/aredia
3/07 xeloda/tykerb/aredia
5/08 taxol/avastin/aredia
2/09 gemzar/herceptin/zometa
7/09 Taxol/Carbo/Herceptin, zometa
10/09 navelbine/herceptin & zometa
2/10 herceptin & tykerb & zometa
4/10 add xeloda &aromasin
10/10 dx with dermatomyiositis triggered by cancer
11/10 restart herceptin, tykerb, zometa
12/10 surgery-place rod in R femur to stabilize bone
1/11 radiation to R femur - 20 tx
2/11 2nd surgery - rod in Left femur
2/11 tx eribulen -- suspended dx brain mets
3/11 brain mets wbr 20 tx
4/11 halaven; discontine 8/11 not working
8/11 radiation to left femur 20 tx'
8-9/11 rad to lower spine
9/11 abraxane/herceptin/zometa
9/12 xeloda/herceptin/zometa
12/12 ablation of liver
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