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Old 01-10-2010, 07:58 AM   #1
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Tykerb SE's -OUCH!!

Hi Friends~

Just looking for some suggestions on how to manage some of these Tykerb SE's that are painful nuisances, but not reason enough to dc/or decrease the meds.

Rash - across the bridge of my nose is a little unattractive, but no big's the INSIDE of my nose that making me miserable. it's like there are crusty, bloody, shingles in there (sorry if TMI). I use a nettie pot every morning, but then the rest of the day, if I blow too hard, I sprout a bloody nose. Anything I can put INSIDE my nose to help the rash?

Fingertips - splits in the skin on my fingertips, kind of like papercuts. i usually just put bandaids on each finger, but it seems as soon as one heals, another one pops up. I just bought a 3lb bag of oranges, but when tried to peel one the other day, it was impossible/annoying/painful! So I've settled mandarin oranges in the can.

Toes - in-grown toenails, on big toes. but both sides of each toe. again, as soon as one/one-side heals, another one sprouts up on the other side or other toe. It seems like these heal a little faster if I don't cover them with a bandaid & let them dry out, but since it's not barefoot/flipflop weather-even in Atlanta - it's a little tough. i even got my toe stuck in my new Xmas Uggs when the toe oozed and got stuck to the sheerling inside the boot (again, sorry if TMI!)

Any wisdom you can offer is greatly appreciated!
I really don't want to decrease or dc the med - especially since I progressed on the Tykerb/Xeloda combo I was on for 5mos last summer.
I switched off Herceptin based tx bc these sternal nodes weren't resolving, but turns out that was a bad idea.
My disease progressed to 2 new lesions in the L lobe of my liver (liver's been NED since resection in 05!), new nodes in my belly that are compressing my colon & ureters, and a soft tissue met just above my belly button.
I switched back to Herceptin and added Tykerb, and it seems like that's had some effect - bowels/belly not so stuck & congested & the soft tissue met feels smaller.
So, as you can understand, I don't want to risk being off treatment.

Thanks for your help in advance~

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