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Old 12-21-2009, 02:45 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 131
Re: when tykerb/xeloda don't work, what next?

I have been on tykerb+xeloda for about a year or so.
I have seen little if any mets disappearing. I was wondering if 5fu added to the mix would help.. This is my thoughts....Has anybody tried this combo??any suggestions.
It is so depressing to look at my chest.. It is red, rashy, some (afew) have what looks like it is infected. My whole chest (with the exception) of a few areas is now complety
covered in breast cancer.I had a pet scan,done and it says..." no signs of cancer".Tell that to my chest..!!
I think this is so sad to look down at my chest and see this "mess". It was bad enough to get the inflammorty so far, I have taken gemzar,taxol, 5fu cream, herceptin (4doses) heart cannot handle it.. my ejection fraction is now 25%to 30%.
xeloda, tykerb.I guess it is because I have to look at at least once a day.
radiation treatments.. This is my thoughts....
. , My whole chest (with the exception) of a few areas is now complety
covered in breast cancer.I had a pet scan,done and it says..." no signs of cancer".Tell that to my chest.. so far, I have taken gemzar,taxol, 5fu cream, herceptin (4 doses)
xeloda, tykerb.I guess it is because I have to look at at least once a day.
Thanks for asking about Luke.. He is steadly improving .. Here is the rub, the stronger he gets, the further on down the list of people needing a lung transplant, who are "worse" than him.He gets bumped on down to another level.
Ironic isn't it???
He had a lung waiting at Shands, but was too sick to have the procedure.. Strange isn't it??? The better he gets along, the Lower he goes down on the "waiting" list.
He is still at Shands and they are talking like it will be sometime before he comes off the inactive list , to an
active slot.
I feel like I am going to eventually lose it.. maybe, I already have, and just don't know .?
this will be my first Christmas in 28 years, we have been married. That we will not be together. I know other people on this site , with problems worse than mine.. I guess I need to vent.. sorry.....Charlotte
I am not trying to be depressing, but it is hard to not be, with all the stuff going on.

Last edited by charlotte; 12-21-2009 at 03:30 AM.. Reason: typos
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