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Old 12-14-2009, 02:42 PM   #3
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Unhappy Status quo

Hi Tanya,

As mentioned to Bill, I am slowly losing ground, now being 20 pounds over mid-range of my recommended BMI. Equally frustrating, my mostly high quality insurance has refused to pay for my visit with the RD in Seattle, who is completely professionally qualified and experienced and affiliated with my cancer center, even though the same insurance paid for the naturopath visit several years ago without blinking. I will appeal.

As I read the comments about the latest breast cancer conference I am disappointed that the focus continues to be on infintely tiny pieces of the larger puzzle of breast cancer, with application of one drug or another that may "work" briefly before cancer finds another way around it. I still think breast cancer is an endocrine disease that calls for endocrine analysis and solutions.

Here are 2 trials that to me would provide more help to breast cancer patients (one as you can see was stopped):

In another clinical trial, interestingly patients who had chemo and patients who did not were stratified, which should provide some very interesting info:

How did your chat with the internist turn out?

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